
Blog/Journal page is in the works.




Hi welcome 2 my site, again. This is where I archive my artwork so I can draw whatever I want without people crawling up my ass about it. This page is dedicated to telling you about me!!

My main name online is Sov, but I have many others: circe, devi, soo, nicole, kiya & star. Please use any of these that you like. I am gender non-conforming, my pronouns are they/them. I am Jamaican & Ghanian (black). I have aloot of interests, I love anime, visual novels, manga, v kei, j fashion, the grotesque and avant-garde. Please see the links on the sidebar for more about the things I like! I also have a rentry that has a list of the things I couldnt cram into a db. There's also mor things I like that I probably can't think of now, but feel free to ask about things you like! I might know of them. I also love Osamu Dazai's novels. Please ask about those!!!

BYI!!! I comship and my morals are out of whack. I make basic edgy jokes and say slurs like an evil twitter user, I'll probably grow out of it but just bare with me for now LOL. I am also on the sh & ed side of the internet but you wont see that here. If you dont have my discord (???) you can contact me on instagram.

Thank u for visiting!! see u soon
